Publication day, Writing life, Writing news

Publication day for my 90th M&B!

I love butterflies. So I couldn’t resist writing about a butterfly specialist (gave me a good excuse for research) and an architect.

And it’s my 90th book for M&B!



I can’t believe how fast that’s gone – 90 books in 19 years.

If you’d like to know more about the book, take a look at the book page here… and there are also buy links, should you wish to purchase 🙂


Archie and Dexter, Pipsqueak posts, Writing life

The Pipsqueak Posts Episode 63: the one with the brown-eyed dog

Dexter: Arch, we could do a song today. After Van Morrison. Brown-eyed dog.
Archie: Pipsqueak, neither of us has really brown eyes.
Dexter: Golden-eyed dog doesn’t scan properly. Hmm. So we can’t do Nick Drake, either? ‘Black-eyed dog he knew my name…’ Awooo!
Archie: Pipsqueak, you barely answer to your name. Unless someone rattles the biscuits.
Dexter: Please? Pretty please with extra bacon?
Archie: All right. We’ll do brown-eyed dog.
Dexter: With extemporised bits.
Archie: It’s sooooo hot this week. We need ice cream. If we sing loudly enough, maybe Dad will buy us each a mini whippy cone…


(With apologies to Van Morrison – and thanks to Chloe for the suggestion)
Hey where did we go
Days when the sun came (and it was too hot)
Down in the tree-shade
Too hot to play games
Woofing and a-running, hey hey,
Pouncing and a-jumping
In the boiling hot sunshine with
Our hearts a-thumping and you
My brown-eyed dog
You, my brown-eyed dog…