Archie: playing is all about timing. Get it wrong, and there are bumped heads. Get it right, and I catch the ball; then I drop it, it bounces, and Pipsqueak pounces!
Month: June 2020
The Pipsqueak Posts, Episode 17: the one with the vet
Dexter: What’s the vet, Arch?
Archie: It’s a place you have to go to twice a year, Pipsqueak. Once to have a checkup, and once to have your vaccinations. You might have to go if you’re poorly. (Looks away.) And for another reason you’re too young to know about. We won’t talk about the Cone of Shame.
Dexter: Is the vet nice?
Archie: Yes, and so are the nurse and the receptionist. They give you biscuits while you wait. Though, last time, the vet stuck a thermometer up my bottom and then gave me antibiotics. I’d been sick everywhere and I had a temperature and Mum was worried about me. I felt too poorly to make a fuss.
Dexter: Will you come with me?
Archie: No. But you get both parents. They’ll cuddle you. You’ll be fine.
Dexter, on returning: So we had to wait outside and Mum wasn’t allowed in with me, and the nurse had a mask on and everything. I cried. But they made a fuss of me, then put stuff up my nose, stuck a needle in me and put me on the scales. I was *THIS BRAVE*. The vet said I was lovely. Oh, and I’m 4.1kg now. And the nurse gave Mum a bag of stuff.
Archie: That’ll be wormer and flea tablets. They’re supposed to taste yummy, but if you spit them out and refuse them then Mum wraps them in ham. She thinks it disguises the taste and tricks us; she doesn’t realise we do it on purpose to get more ham…
The Pipsqueak Posts, Episode 16: the one with the intrepid explorer
Dexter: I am Dexter of the Jungle, intrepid explorer!
Archie: I am Archie the Very Patient, and I don’t have the heart to tell you that they’re fencing off the patio garden, Pipsqueak, because you keep chomping all the veg you can reach…
The Pipsqueak Posts, Episode 15: the one with the toastie
Archie: Pipsqueak, it’s a toastie! Assume stare position. When you’re big enough, your chin goes on her knee and you dribble to remind her to save your share.
Following day: Senior EPA Archie would like to report that Pipsqueak is getting the hang of the Stare Position very well indeed.
The Pipsqueak Posts, Episode 14: the other one with the porridge [video]
Archie: Pipsqueak, Mum says her friends have been very sad in lockdown. She says that it will cheer them up very much if she films us having breakfast. I reckon this means we might get extra porridge.
Dexter: Cool! I love porridge!
The Pipsqueak Posts, Episode 13: the one with the porridge
Archie: Pipsqueak! It’s time for porridge! It’s the best start to the day. Mum makes it with oats, milk, a bit of flax seed (which she says is good for her cholesterol, but of course is excellent for our coats) and a dollop of plain fat-free yogurt. I’m licking my lips just thinking about it.
Dexter: so we sit nicely for it, Arch, right?
Archie: yes, and we get two teaspoons each. (She always laughs a lot when she says ‘two spoons’. It’s something to do with ‘two soups’. I think it’s her age…)
(A few days later, on hearing the beep from the microwave finishing)
Dexter: Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum! I smell porridge for my tum!
The Pipsqueak Posts, Episode 12: the one with the cheese
Archie: Pipsqueak! Cheese! Dad snacks on cheese and biscuits when he’s watching telly. Cheese is the best. Sometimes he tries to sneak some out of the fridge without us hearing. Listen out for the sound of cheese wrapper. Even if you’re busy sniffing every single blade of grass in the garden, you come in straight away for cheese.
Also note there is beer. I like beer. Dad doesn’t put it in a glass any more since the day he caught me having a sneaky slurp from his pint. But you could do a run-and-skid manoeuvre and knock the can over; he won’t tell you off because you’re a baby and don’t know any better. Then we can both slurp the beer off the floor…
The Pipsqueak Posts, Episode 11: the one with the vampire dog
Dexter: Look, Arch! Look at my big teeth! I might be little, but I have BIG TEETH! I’ve been thinking about this. I could have a career in film. Who has big teeth?
Archie, very patiently: I dunno, Pipsqueak. Bugs Bunny?
Dexter: Bugs Bunny? Hmm. I like carrots, but I want to eat other stuff as well. (Thinks for a bit.) Oh, wait. I have it. Tall, handsome and dangerous. I can be Count Dext-ula…
The Pipsqueak Posts, Episode 10: the one with the squirrel
Archie says: usually, if someone’s at the front door it’s a visitor who’s going to make a fuss of me, or the postman bringing something (and making a fuss of me — because (adds deep voice) Everybody Loves Archie). Today our visitor was a bit weird. One of the squirrels who usually jumps from the tree to the bird-feeder to scoff the seeds and fat-balls decided to climb up the porch.
Dexter: I was having porridge when the Senior Edit-paw-ial Assistant made a fuss and Mum went to the window to see who the visitor was. I can’t believe Archie interrupted porridge for a squirrel! (I like porridge. A lot. Got a bit on my whiskers.)
The Pipsqueak Posts, Episode 9: the one with the naps
Archie, day 1: look, Mum, lockdown rules say you have to be two metres apart. I’m not sure that Pipsqueak is even supposed to be in our house. I could report you for lockdown-breaking and you’ll get a letter from the police (but then they might fine you and you won’t be able to afford to give me salmon). I am not letting him sleep in my bed or even on the same level as me. Two metres, that’s the rule, so I insist on socially distant napping.
A day later
Archie: OK. I’ll agree to nap on the same level as Pipsqueak.
A couple of days later:
Archie: I know Pipsqueak wriggled off your lap. I could get up and huff in dignified protest, as I’ve done every day since he arrived, but right now I can’t be bothered to move. That’s the only reason I’m letting him stay there. (Five minutes later…) He moved again! I give in. There’s enough room on the sofa between you for both of us. Pipsqueak can cuddle up with me. I need to teach him about napping duty, anyway.
Dexter: I’m glad he’s given in, because it’s hard work being eight weeks old…