Archie: Pipsqueak! It’s time for porridge! It’s the best start to the day. Mum makes it with oats, milk, a bit of flax seed (which she says is good for her cholesterol, but of course is excellent for our coats) and a dollop of plain fat-free yogurt. I’m licking my lips just thinking about it.
Dexter: so we sit nicely for it, Arch, right?
Archie: yes, and we get two teaspoons each. (She always laughs a lot when she says ‘two spoons’. It’s something to do with ‘two soups’. I think it’s her age…)
(A few days later, on hearing the beep from the microwave finishing)
Dexter: Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum! I smell porridge for my tum!