I know, I know, I’m horrifically behind with the website and everything… but I will make more of an effort!
Anyway, the big news is the release of my first cosy crime novel: The Body at Rookery Barn. It’s out in October 2023 – currently you can preorder the ebook at Amazon, but it will also be a paperback and an audiobook (so you will be able to order those from bookshops, if you want to support indies, or from Amazon).
Storm has really done me proud with the cover.

Why am I particularly pleased with this? The cottage where I grew up was allegedly a haunted house, and there’s a ghost story connected to the farmhouse in this book. When I showed sneaky previews of the cover to my family, they all just stared at me and said, ‘That’s Mill House.’ (It’s not quite, but near enough!)
Then there are the rooks. Now, I see those rooks circling overhead, and I think of a certain story by Daphne du Maurier – who also wrote a story called The Blue Lenses (I won’t give spoilers, just to say that a woman has an eye operation and it affects the way she sees things). The concept stuck in the back of my head; I’m deaf, like Georgina, and when I got my first hearing aids I thought, what if I could hear something that nobody else could hear? (And what might that be? You’ll have to read the book to find out!)
Then there are the flowers. This is the kind of garden I would love to have… but with spaniels who like bringing in plants, that’s never going to happen. Plus my gardening skills are a bit limited (don’t ask about the lockdown veg project. Not helped by a 10-week-old puppy who saw it as his duty to harvest all the carrots and run round with them. And the herbs). But it’s my fantasy garden.
Then you have the sky. In Norfolk (where I live, and where the book is set), we have AMAZING skies. I love what the designer’s done here.
I’m thrilled to bits. I loved writing this story. If you like my romances, you’ll love this (no gore – probably less gory than my Medicals, actually) because it’s the voice you’re used to. If you don’t like romances – well, hey, this is cosy crime. You’re in the right place. If you like quirky stuff, this is definitely for you.
And where can you get a copy? Why… click on the link. (For transparency, I do get a small commission if you buy using this link, but it doesn’t cost you anything. Thank you!)