Publication day, Writing life, Writing news

Publication day for my 90th M&B!

I love butterflies. So I couldn’t resist writing about a butterfly specialist (gave me a good excuse for research) and an architect.

And it’s my 90th book for M&B!



I can’t believe how fast that’s gone – 90 books in 19 years.

If you’d like to know more about the book, take a look at the book page here… and there are also buy links, should you wish to purchase 🙂


Archie and Dexter, Pipsqueak posts, Writing life

The Pipsqueak Posts Episode 63: the one with the brown-eyed dog

Dexter: Arch, we could do a song today. After Van Morrison. Brown-eyed dog.
Archie: Pipsqueak, neither of us has really brown eyes.
Dexter: Golden-eyed dog doesn’t scan properly. Hmm. So we can’t do Nick Drake, either? ‘Black-eyed dog he knew my name…’ Awooo!
Archie: Pipsqueak, you barely answer to your name. Unless someone rattles the biscuits.
Dexter: Please? Pretty please with extra bacon?
Archie: All right. We’ll do brown-eyed dog.
Dexter: With extemporised bits.
Archie: It’s sooooo hot this week. We need ice cream. If we sing loudly enough, maybe Dad will buy us each a mini whippy cone…


(With apologies to Van Morrison – and thanks to Chloe for the suggestion)
Hey where did we go
Days when the sun came (and it was too hot)
Down in the tree-shade
Too hot to play games
Woofing and a-running, hey hey,
Pouncing and a-jumping
In the boiling hot sunshine with
Our hearts a-thumping and you
My brown-eyed dog
You, my brown-eyed dog…

Archie and Dexter, Pipsqueak posts, Writing life

The Pipsqueak Posts, Episode 62: the one with the watering [video]

Dexter: Arch, I’m going to help Dad with the garden.
Archie: I don’t think Dad’s very pleased with all the holes you’ve dug in the lawn. And you harvested the carrots before they were ready. And you tried to dig up the potatoes.
Dexter: But I can help!
Archie: He’s watering. You’re going to get wet.
Dexter: Like I did at the river? Yay!

Pipsqueak posts, Writing life

The Pipsqueak posts, Episode 59: the one with yoga

Dexter: I’m taking up yoga. Starting with the downward dog. Watch.
Archie, laughing: That’s a play bow, Pipsqueak — like the one you’re supposed to do at Puppy Class if you want to play with one of the other pups. I wish you’d do that with me instead of biting my ears.
Dexter: Mum says if humans do it, it’s called a downward dog. The aim of yoga is to relax. Strike a pose, and relaaaaaaaax.

(Dexter falls asleep while demonstrating)

Archie: That can’t possibly be comfortable. I mean, his ears are always inside out, but right now his head’s off the ground. So’s his front leg. I’d better go and squeak a tennis ball to wake him up, or he’s going to hurt, later…

Archie and Dexter, Pipsqueak posts, Writing life

The Pipsqueak Posts, Episode 58: the one where Dexter catches a biscuit [video]

Dexter: How do you do that, Arch?
Archie: What?
Dexter: Get biscuits to go in your mouth.
Archie: Mum throws the biscuit, you watch it, and you grab it out of the air, Pipsqueak. Easy-peasy.
(Dexter tries a few times and fails)
Dexter: I can’t do this.
Archie: Yes, you can. Watch me. Remember to open your mouth, otherwise it’ll bounce off your nose.

(Dexter watches and tries again)
Dexter: Yay!

Archie and Dexter, Pipsqueak posts, Writing life

The Pipsqueak Posts, Episode 57: the one with ‘the trouble with porridge’

Dexter: Arch! Look! Mum’s obviously left this bowl of porridge just for me. Yum!
Archie: No, Pipsqueak! No! She’s only put it on the table while she gets her coffee. This is worse than when you nearly rolled in fox-poo this morning. Get down from the chair. I know I told you the Goldilocks story, but you really are NOT supposed to help yourse— Uh-oh. Your ID tag just clinked against the bowl. Loud enough for Mum to hear. You are so in trouble. Don’t fib to her that I encouraged you…
[Dexter is caught red-pawed helping himself to the porridge – with his face in said bowl – and is told off. New porridge has to be made for author’s breakfast.]
Archie: See. I told you she’d be cross. Now just sit and wait nicely. You’re allowed to lick your lips or even dribble over her knees, but in future just wait for her to finish her share. You’ll get your porridge.
Dexter: The trouble with porridge is that it’s so NICE…

[Author note: this was one of those super-lucky – or should I say super-licky? – shots where both dogs licked their lips at the same time; it’s not a ‘live’ pic. And, yes, Dexter really did try to scoff my porridge from the bowl!]

Archie and Dexter, Pipsqueak posts, Writing life

The Pipsqueak Posts, Episode 56: the one with the Very Tall Pup

Dexter: I’m getting really tall.
Archie: That’s because you’re little and you’re growing, Pipsqueak.
Dexter: No, I mean *really* tall. I can almost see out of the window.
Archie: No, you can’t. You can jump up on the sofa, but you can’t see out of the window.
Dexter: Bet you I am. Two biscuits.
Archie: Done.
Dexter: Look out of the window.
(Archie does so, and Dexter joins him.)

Dexter: See? You owe me two biscuits…

Archie and Dexter, Pipsqueak posts, Writing life

The Pipsqueak Posts, episode 55: the one with the hot dogs

Dexter: Arch, it’s the hottest day of my life! And it’s horrible.

Archie: Never mind, Pipsqueak. Thankfully we don’t get too many days like this. The best thing to do is lie by Mum (so you get cool air from the tower fan – I’m going to sit on the sofa so I get air from the other fan). And Mum will put a wet tea towel on us to help cool us down. 

Dexter: I normally chew tea towels, but I don’t have the energy to chew *anything* today. Or to bark at the fan. I’m just TOO HOT.

Archie: I know, Pipsqueak. Me, too. Just drink lots of cold water and have lots of naps. Once the back garden’s got some shade in it, Mum will fill your paddling pool and you can splash about…