Archie and Dexter, Pipsqueak posts, Writing life

The Pipsqueak Posts, episode 38: the one with the ice cream [video]

Archie: Pipsqueak! Hear those chimes? That means it’s the ice cream van!

Dexter: What’s ice cream?

Archie: Something we have once a year at the beach or if the ice cream man comes round. It’s the yummiest thing ever. We’re not allowed it very often because it’s bad for your teeth. We get a baby-sized cone – well, I will. Yours might be a bit smaller. You don’t want to get brain-freeze, not when you have a Very Little Brain…

Dexter: Oi!

(two minutes later)

Archie and Dexter: Yummmmmmm…

(And, because film really shows it better…)

Archie and Dexter, Pipsqueak posts, Writing life

The Pipsqueak Posts, Episode 36: the one with the first visit to the seaside [video]

Dexter: Arch, what’s the seaside?

Archie: It’s a brilliant place, Pipsqueak. We can run and run. Well, Mum and Dad will put you on a long lead to keep you safe, but I can run.

Dexter: Like the park and the river?

Archie: Better. You can dig without being distracted, and you can jump at the waves in the sea. And there’s a cafe that sells warm sausage rolls – we get one before we go home!

Dexter: I like sausage. Yum.

(Car ride – this time, Dexter doesn’t yell all the way.)

Dexter: Wow! The smells! The feel of sand underfoot! (I can dig! Dig!! Dig!!!) 

(Dexter enjoys playing ball and running.) 

Dexter (running to the sea and following Archie in) : yay!

Archie: I told you how much you’d love it here, Pipsqueak.

Dexter: After a long day running and jumping (and your first sausage roll from the beach cafe), there’s nothing better than curling up with the parents and your brother on the sofa and having a nap…


Archie and Dexter, Pipsqueak posts, Writing life

The Pipsqueak Posts, episode 35: the one with the chicken wire

Dexter: Arch, Arch – why are the parents putting chicken wire everywhere?

Archie: Why do you think? It’s not as if they’re fans of industrial chic.

Dexter: Yeah, you said Mum likes Pre-Raphaelite stuff. Edward Burne-Bones and DG Bones-etti. That’s prettier than chicken wire, though she’s put it on the wall so I can’t chew it. (Sighs heavily.) I was having such a great game hiding from you. I was going to leap out and say ‘raaaah!’.

Archie: Oh, Pipsqueak. That’s why. They thought you were too big to squeeze behind the piano; when you suddenly disappeared behind it, that made Mum panic. I know you came out backwards, but they’re worried you’re going to get stuck. They also think you’re going to trash the wires behind the TV, the way you trashed the patio vegetable garden — which is why that is all behind chicken wire now, too.

Dexter: Chicken wire spoils all the fun…

ep20-01 puzzled pup

Archie: Pipsqueak, just run round the recycling bin, jump out and yap ‘Surprise!’ at Mum. That’s what I used to do when I was your age. She thought it was cute and gave me extra fuss and treats.

Dexter (learning furiously) : Yum. Treats.

Archie and Dexter, Pipsqueak posts, Writing news

The Pipsqueak Posts, Episode 34: the one with Underneath the Archie… [video]

Dexter: Hey, Arch – I heard this song, the other day. ‘Underneath the Archie’, I think it was. And it’s given me a great idea for a game. You stand there and pretend to be a bridge. I’ll walk underneath you, carrying a tennis ball. And then I’m going Underneath the Archie… Hahaha! Geddit?

Archie: Oh, Pipsqueak…

Archie and Dexter, Pipsqueak posts, Writing life

The Pipsqueak Posts, Episode 33: the one with the first puppy class

Dexter: Arch, what’s puppy class?
Archie: Puppy class is fun! It’s somewhere you go and meet other pups, run around a bit, learn some commands and get lots of sausage to eat. My best friend at class was a Dachshund called Waffle. You’ll love it.

(Dexter gets out of the car and stops dead as he sees a Weimaraner, a Westie, a fox-red Labrador, a black Cocker, a Dachshund, an English Bulldog and two terriers — all of which are bigger than him. Dexter spends the entire class hiding behind our legs or being carried, and then yells his protest all the way home.)


Archie: So did you terrorise everyone like you terrorise me, Pipsqueak?

Dexter: It was soooo scary! And you weren’t there. Everyone else was bigger than me. I am so glad to be home — and I will never steal your biscuits again.

Archie: We don’t get biscuits after dinner and we all know you’ll be back to biscuit-thieving tomorrow. And it won’t be as scary, next week. Did you get any sausage?
Dexter: Yes. For knowing my name, which was really easy. But it was still scary….

(Archie keeps to himself the fact that he refused to get off my lap at his puppy socialisation party — which Dexter missed out on completely, thanks to Covid — then went to sleep, and was very shy at his first puppy class…)

Archie and Dexter, Pipsqueak posts, Writing life

The Pipsqueak Posts, Episode 32: the one with the band

Dexter: Psst, Arch – turn your back on me and look moody!
Archie: I’m too busy chewing your tennis ball, Pipsqueak. Why do you want me to look moody?


Dexter: Because if I do the same, it’ll be cool picture. Like edgy album art. We could borrow Dad’s guitar and start a band…
Archie: I’ll do the picture, but we’re not starting a band.
Dexter: I can see it now. ‘The Spaniel Brothers.’ Like that film. You can be the fat one.
Archie: Oi! Cheeky!
Dexter (trying to be conciliatory) : I mean, you’re the oldest so you can be Jake, the lead singer, and I’ll be Elwood. We’re on a mission.
Archie: What mission?
Dexter: To get the band together.
Archie: What band?
Dexter: A blues band! We tried Gilbert and Sullivan, and we were great at that. Now we can be a blues band. Like Joe Bone-amassa. (Mum loves him.)
Archie: (hides head under paws)
Dexter (on a roll) : We can borrow Dad’s dog-walking hat and Mum’s sunglasses.
Archie (giving in and indulging his little brother) : Like this?

Dexter: Yeah! You look really cool, Arch. We can sing Hound Dog, Black Dog, Black-Eyed Dog, Me and You and a Dog Named Boo, Love Me Love My Dog… oh, wait, the first song of the set should be Puppy Love!
Archie: Oh, Pipsqueak…

Archie and Dexter, Pipsqueak posts, Writing life

The Pipsqueak Posts, Episode 31: the one with the first visit to the park [video]

Archie: Pipsqueak, Pipsqueak, we’re off to the park!

Dexter: What’s the park?


Archie: It’s a place of wonder. Lots and lots of grass to run around on and play ball, a river to paddle in, and there’s a cafe that does sausages for dogs. Mum or Dad will carry you when you get tired. They’ll put you on the extending lead so you don’t get scared or lost. Just follow me.

(a few minutes later)

Dexter: All the smells! I must sniff every blade of grass. I must run! Run!

(a few minutes later)

Archie: Time for a paddle in the river!

Dexter: This is even better than the paddling pool. 


Archie: And now for ball!

Dexter: I’m tired, now. I want to sit down. But you’re right. The park is GREAT!



Archie and Dexter, Pipsqueak posts, Writing life

The Pipsqueak Posts, Episode 29: the one with the toastie strategy

ep26-01 toastie

Dexter: Psst, Arch! I think Chris is making a toastie. Do we gang up now or later?

Archie: He’s making one for Dad as well. Dad is a pushover. We wait, Pipsqueak. We wait.

(five minutes later)

ep26-02 jumping

Archie: No, Pipsqueak, don’t jump up. That’ll make him ignore you because Mum told him to ignore bad behaviour. What you do is stick your head on his knee and dribble. Like this…

Archie and Dexter, Pipsqueak posts, Writing life

The Pipsqueak Posts, Episode 28: the one with the Really Busy Hour

Dexter, after a busy hour:

ep25-01 busyToday I have:

    • chased round the garden (a lot)
    • brought in a branch from the rose by the back door (aren’t you supposed to give your mum flowers?)
    • waited until my mum had finished clearing up poo in the garden and washed her hands, then did another one (so did Arch — it was his idea)
    • scoffed porridge
    • yapped a lot
    • wriggled through the TV cabinet and tried to chew wires
    • tested my teeth on EVERYTHING
    • been told NO a lot (apparently that’s connected with the two things above – especially when I waited until Mum had a mouthful of cold coffee before sinking my teeth into her ankle)
    • been in time-out four times (Arch is right — Mum is the strict parent)
    • decided that Archie’s right and the hoover is scary
    • cuddled up to Archie for two seconds before having the puppy crazies and running round again (he told me off this morning, too, and Mum said that’s why she tells me not to pull his tail and I need to be taken down a peg)
    • played with four different balls, my raggy, my bee and my new teething chew that Dad bought yesterday


Now I’m tired. Apparently, so is everyone else…