Archie and Dexter, Pipsqueak posts, Writing life

The Pipsqueak Posts, Episode 3: the one with the Sunday roast

Archie says: You know, Pipsqueak, Sundays are good days in this house. We go to the beach or the park a lot on Sundays (and that means a warm sausage roll for us in the cafe, as well as running around a lot without a lead on, and making friends with other dogs). Sadly you’re not old enough to go out yet, and also it’s lockdown so I haven’t been to the beach or the park for months…

(Archie has a little dream about the beach.)

But Sunday also means that Mum does a roast dinner. Chicken is good. We have to wait until everyone’s finished and she’ll leave us a little bit on her plate. But best of all is the carcass. There’s still meat left after she’s carved, and Dad takes it off and puts it in our bowls. We have to sit nicely. Watch and follow me!
